Town of Canton

Welcome to the Town of Canton Assessor's Database

The information in this database is for Fiscal Year 2024.  The Assessments are as of January 1, 2023.

The Tax Rates for Fiscal Year 2024 are:

Residential (R) = $9.97

Commercial, Industrial, & Pers. Prop. (CIP) = $20.80

Prior Fiscal Year (FY) Tax Rates: FY2023 R=$10.57 CIP=$21.57 , FY2022 R=$11.35 CIP=$24.18 , FY2021 R=$12.20 CIP=$24.29 , FY2020 R=$12.23 CIP=$25.42 , FY2019 R=$12.40 CIP=$25.77 , FY2018 R=$12.42 CIP=$25.86 , FY2017 R=$12.79 CIP=$26.34 , FY2016 R=$12.79 CIP=$26.36 , FY2015 R=$12.82 CIP=$26.36 , FY2014 R=$12.87 CIP=$26.53 , FY2013 R=$12.30 CIP=$24.99 , FY2012 R=$11.91 CIP=$24.23

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Please contact the Assessor's Office if you have any questions.

By Telephone (781) 821-5008 or via email through the CONTACT US menu option.